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Your Hasler Law News Update


YourHasler Law News Update

FromSam Hasler, Attorney at Law

1106Meridian St, Suite 251; Anderson, Indiana 46016



OfficeNews, Part 1:  It seems not everyone has gotten the word aboutthe move.  The Union Building office is almost a year old now.  AT &T remains convinced that I have not moved from East 10thStreet.

Hereis the new address: 1106 Meridian St, Suite 251; Anderson.  Thetelephone remains 765-641-7906.

Nomore home office - just in time for the recession.  As an old friendof mine used to say about me, my timing sucks. 

Still,it is good being back downtown.  I also have control of when I canmeet people.

Imay start experimenting with being in here of evenings on a regularbasis.  Right now, I only do evenings by appointments only.

Iwelcome any feedback about this: would regularly scheduled eveninghours be a good thing or not?

Theyear - so far - has been  busy.  I am concentrating on family law and business law but that is notall.  Call me for your Wills.  I am also looking for more homeimprovement fraud and Fair Debt Collections Practice Act cases. (Check out my IndianaCivil and Business Law Blogat these, or give me a call for more about this.)  Moreimportantly: Iam always available if you need a lawyer.

OfficeNews, Part 2: A New Secretary.  For those who have not been in theoffice since February, I have a new secretary.  Her name is MaryPhillips.  She is a  great person.

Rememberthat I am online now. I already mentioned my IndianaCivil and Business Law Blog. I also write TheIndiana Divorce & Family Law Blog( You can keep up with the legal issues you need to know about.  Youcan sign up for e-mail updates, too.  That way the news comes to youinstead of you needing to go the website.

Iam sure we are all looking at the economic news and wondering whatwill happen.  To all of you , you have my best wishes and hopesfor the rest of the year.